Some astounding logos we've found 'round the interwebs today.

Won't somebody think of the children?
This is a logo for a pharmacy.
....and jazzboobs!

My kids are totally going to daycare at the kidsexchange.

Wow. I don't have any words for that.

This is a logo for a pharmacy.
"The Discovery Wheel is a simpler, more direct communication tool that singles can play on dates to ask each other specific questions about their lives and dreams."
(PS anyone ever hear of having a conversation?)It is illegal to carry a concealed ice-cream cone. (TEXAS!)
One may have sexual relations with a porcupine. (How does this even work?!)
A law in Alexandria, Minnesota makes it illegal for a husband to make love to his wife if his breath smells like garlic, onions, or sardines. (uh, we AGREE!)
Hotel owners in Hastings, Nebraska are required by law to provide a clean, white cotton nightshirt to each guest. According to the law, no couple may have sex unless they are wearing the nightshirts. (Hawt)