The Orlando airport is the only airport I've ever been in where people seem to think that SHOES are totally optional.
I witnessed a man using a Ford Explorer to tow another car. Unfortunately, he had it hooked to the bumper with a piece of twine/rope. No hitch, and nothing to make the smaller car stop. The good news is that people like that will get killed. The bad news is that they'll probably take someone else out on the way.
I counted 7 pinky rings and diamond rings, both on men, in a half an hour.
A 8 year old child in the hot tub at 11 p.m. was eloquently pontificating his viewpoint on Barack Obama, who he kept referring to as "BO." The viewpoint was based entirely on things he's heard while listening to the Rush Limbaugh show.
I found a tank top with skulls all over it and "ORLANDO!" written across the boobs in script.
Best of all?
I found Seashell Jesus in a tourist shop. MULTIPLES. Sadly, these Jesui did not light up, however, they came in different sizes and had a little stick on thingie that said "FLORIDA." Jesus was glow-in-the-dark.
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