Now, the one thing that this part of town has is the "Sniders Superfoods" grocery store, which is pretty much the most amazing thing in the world because it's yards cheaper than giant or safeway (which are cheaper still than the strange bodega under my last apartment, that sold channukah candles but not toilet paper, despite the fact that it was July). Sniders always has the best sales on cheeses and a solid and proper deli counter. Those of us who were raised on the bagels and smoked fish for breakfast thing can appreciate this.

Please also note that they have "meat that can't be beat."
In other perusals, I was biking to shoppers food warehouse in Alexandria the other day by way of Del Ray (my typical route, it takes longer and you don't have to battle route 1) and I noticed that Del Ray offers a store that is BOTH a comic book shop AND an "exotic planterium."

On yet another note, I made pie:

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