Trying as we were to be good chicken owners, we spent a nice spring day building her a palace. Or a coop. Whatever.

Wings is an outstanding coop-building helper.

From our chicken-knowledgeable friends, we learned that we needed to get Mrs. Kravitz a friend so that they could live in happy hen harmony. We hit up craigslist til we found Farmer Paul and Margie and I embarked on a trip to New Baltimore, Virginia.

Enter Agnes.
Mrs. Gladys Kravitz, upon meeting Agnes for the first time, immediately recognized the little yelping bundle of hat-wearing chicken (look at her sassy white feathers) and proclaimed her ENEMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After Mrs. K tried to kill Agnes, Margie rescued her and kicked Gladys into the barn and Agnes was ensconced in the coop. We traveled once again to New Baltimore and brought back a friend for Agnes.

This was named Gertrude.

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